Hi name was dust. haha
He was a bunny.
He was born in a closet.
He mainly smelled of dust.
He did not have many friends.
Correction, he had no friends.
I feel now is the time to remind you
This story, although you may not believe me,
Is true.
Dust lived in the dark.
Until one day he was swept out of the closet.
(No this is not going where you think it is. Stop making things up in your head, this story is true I tell you)
And he had his first and only sighting of the world, until...
He met the dust pan!
The conversation went:
Dust Bunny: bfhdbgbjnasuds, fbfbcans! sdjfnhnvadma
Dust Pan: dmf jkagch jabse. fjdsb fbqac
I know, you don't speak dust, so I will translate.
Dust Bunny: Hi, I understand your name is dust pan. We have so much in common already, I bet we will be best friends forever and ever!
Dust Pan: Yes, hop on my back, we can run through the prairie together! NOT!!! You silly sucker, I hate dust bunnies, I eat them for breakfast!
And so the dust bunny was dumped in the trash.
And now lives in a giant land fill somewhere.
The moral of the story (According to Dust Bunny): Don't talk to strangers. Especially not ones called Dust Pan
The moral of the story (According to Dust Pan): Dust bunnies are stupid, and smell bad. Throw them all in the trash
The moral of the story (According to me): The moral of this story is useless to anyone who is not a dust bunny or a dust pan. And, If you are a dust bunny, or a dust pan, you wont ever read this story. And you suck